
What is Reiki? 

The word reiki means ‘universal life energy’. Reiki is a practice going back hundreds of years where the practitioner can move the energy through the body in order to unblock the flow of emotions or shift long held habits and traumas. 


When you’re stressed, do your shoulders start to tense? Perhaps when you feel sad you feel ‘a pit in your stomach’? We ALL hold emotional energy in our bodies, and this can lead to illness, pain, and physical complexities that we just can’t seem to shake off. Reiki helps to find that emotional energy and gently move it through, allowing your body to relax, release and function as it should.  

What will happen on the day? 

On the day, you will simply lay on a massage bed with your eyes closed and relax (or sit up if there is a physical need to do so). The room will be dim, music on, and the setting much like receiving a massage. The only difference is that you stay completely dressed, and I do not have to touch your body at all. The session will last around 45 minutes, and you may just find it a nice relaxing time, or you may see visions, images, colours, feel emotions… a HUGE range of responses! 

We will discuss everything you and I experienced after the session. I like to offer further advice and ‘homework’ to my clients as well if we’re working towards a particular goal.  

If you have any questions about reiki at all, please contact me and I would be happy to discuss it with you! 

Reiki charging 

I am happy to charge any item or crystal you already own with reiki energy and the intention you’d like (I.e. protection, self-love, abundance, confidence, etc). This would be an added extra alongside any healing session already booked.  

Distance Reiki

Reiki can be done without you even coming to my door! Universal energy knows no space and time, so I can send the energy to you wherever you are, whenever you need. All you need to do is lay down in a quiet, calming space at the time we’ve agreed and accept the healing I send. This ALWAYS surprises people… but I assure you it can be done!

Reiki can help your fur babies!

I am OBSESSED with animals, and I have supported a lot of my own pets and friends’ pets through illness, surgery or even to cross the rainbow bridge. It can really support animals with pain, feeling calm, and to help them start taking food or water when they feel down. I usually do this treatment as a distance reiki, as this is often less traumatic for the pet